Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blog for week 12/14/15

Prompt: Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not?

     The book that I am currently reading is called "Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a Childhood Friend" by Alison Leslie Gold. This book is about Anne Frank's surviving friend Hannah. It talks about how life was when World War ll was happening. Hannah tells her story, and how her friendship with Anne Frank was very important to her.

     I do not hate what I am reading but I do not love it either. I feel this way towards the book because I really do not like nonfiction in general. I think that the book is interesting at times, but most of the time I get distracted and forget what I read. I sort of like the book because I think that Hannah and Anne's lives were interesting. I think this because they were only 13 years old and all of these tragic things were already happening. I will finish this book, but I don't think that I would reread because I really do not find nonfiction interesting.

     The thing that I find really interesting is that in this book Hannah Goslar takes the you (the reader) to a farther understanding of Anne's life. She gives you more information about Anne than what her diary does. Anne Frank's diary was only during the war, but this story tells you about Anne's life before the war and what Hannah's feelings were. I really like how this book not only focus's on Anne's life but her friend Hannah and her family. "Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a Childhood Friend" really gives you more of an understanding because it talks about their feelings throughout the whole book and even though I am not able to relate, I can imagine it was really hard for them because they were around my age when it happened.


  1. I understand were you are coming Andrea I don't myself enjoy reading non-fiction but the book I was recommend was very good it is called,"It Happened to Nancy". I think you would really enjoy it. Nice job on your blog!

  2. Andrea- I would consider revising your blog, because you spend more time focusing on the fact that you do not enjoy non-fiction writing instead of what your book is about. See me if you have any questions.
