Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Banned Books Vlog

Where the Sidewalk Ends
By Shel Silverstien

                                Commented on:  Emily'sEvelyn'sBrimady'sSumar'sRobert's


"About Banned & Challenged Books." American Library Association. American Library                          Association, 2015. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. 

"Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read." American Library Association. 
     American Library Association, 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. 

Brunner, Borgna. "Banned Boooks." Fact Monster. 
      Fact Monster, 1 Oct. 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. 

Doyle, Robert P. "Books Challenged or Banned 2014 - 2015." Illinois Library Association. 
     Illinois Library Association, 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. 


  1. I liked the video, you explained why the book was banned very well. I never knew that there was a poem about cannabalism in Where the Sidewalk Ends! I felt like you could have spoke up, but other than that you did a great job!

  2. I agree with your video, I don't think children would start cannibalism just because of a poem. I liked how you explained your opinions throughout the video, it really showed how the book had an effect on you and your personal thoughts on it. A little but of mumbling here and there but overall I could hear you well and clearly. Good job!

  3. Good job on your video, I agree with your opinion on how you don't think that kids would start cannibalism just because they read it in a poem. You could have been louder because in some parts I couldn't hear you but besides that your video was good.

    1. Thanks. Next time I'll try to be a little louder.

  4. Nice job on your banned books video. You explained why the book was banned very very clearly and I really loved this book. Nice to bring back old memories. One thing that I suggest is to speak a little louder when you talk.

  5. Nice job Andrea! You spoke clearly and I understood what you said very well. I love how you told why you liked the book and why it was important to you! Good job!

  6. Nice job on your video. You explained many reasons why it was banned. I really loved that book and I would be kinda mad if someone prevented me from reading it. I agree with Andrew, Just speak a little louder next time.

  7. I like how you explained why the book was banned and your personal opinion and connection. one thing I would recommend like Andrew said speak a little louder. Great job!

  8. Nice Job Andrea! I really liked how you explained how this book affected you! I thought poems were pointless too until I read this book so I can relate. I feel the reason why it was banned is an okay reason but not a HUGE reason.

  9. I'm not going to restate the obvious. I also agree with Brimady: I read the poems myself,and I don't feel cannibalistic.
