Monday, September 21, 2015

Top 10 Book Challenge


    1. The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry
     I read this book because I wanted to know why she didn't die. This guy hates her and her family because they found a cure for something and he wants to kill them so he can take credit. She had to change her whole life just to get away from the bad guys. She changed into a boy and she had help from some new friends.

    2. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstin
        I read this book because it gives people a message to not ask others for things because one day they
    will not be able to. The boy was being really greedy and wanted everything and he just took this friend, the tree, for granted. The tree kindly gave the boy what he needed but secretly wished for something in return.

    3. Looking For Alaska by John Green
         I read this book because it seemed interesting that they were looking for someone. But they weren't. Its about a boy going to college and he likes this girl named Alaska. She makes him smoke and he changes his whole personality for her. She only smokes to die. It's a really interesting friendship.

    4. Girl Stolen by April Henry
         I picked this book because it's about a girl that is blind and her stepmother leaves her in the car for 5 minutes, but then someone steals the car not knowing that the girl was there. Eventually they get to their destination and keep her hostage because they don't want her to tell anyone about what

    5. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
    I read this book because it was interesting that Augustus likes Hazel for who she is and not her looks. She doubts herself a lot but eventually likes him. The book has a tragic ending and it's just a heart warming story.


    6. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess
         I read this book because it's about how you don't judge things by how they look. Sam kept trying to get his friend to try eggs and ham that are green. He says no and he keeps trying to get him to say yes. This book shows that you should never give up.

    7. Welcome Home Jelly Bean by Mareln Fanta Shya
    I read this book because its about how a girl has a mental disorder. She is treated differently because of her disorder. They discover she has a talent and then everyone treats her differently now.

    8. Dead Upon A Time by Elizabeth Paulson
    This book is about a girl that is locked up in a room and the only food she gets everyday is a poisoned apple. In another room there is another apple but its covered in needles, if she pricks herself with the needle she dies. Her brother and sister are kept in a different room that just keeps getting hotter and hotter. There is sinister after her family and after royalty. It's up to two kids to find out who and why they're doing this and save the victims. 

    9. Paper Towns by John Green
    This book is about a boy who spent his whole life loving this girl from afar. They eventually become friends and suddenly she disappears. But she leaves clues for him, the closer he gets to her the less he sees the girl he thought he

    10. Marley & Me by John Grogan
    This book is about a dog and a newly married couple John and Jenny. The couple wants to start a family but Jenny doesn't think she can handle it. So as a test John buys her a puppy and they name it Marley. They went through ups and downs with him. But they never expected something bad to happen to Marley until the end.

    I commented on Amilee's, Emily's and Marcos's.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I really liked everything about your blog! I just wished you put just a little more detail into the summaries! I wanted to know a little more about the books before I actually read them. Other than that it was fantastic.

      1. Thanks and I updated some of them so you could check them again if you want.

    3. When you were talking about "The Giving Tree" you had an unnecessary space. Also you should write more in your summaries because your book seem really interesting.

    4. I found my self wondering what the book Dead Upon A Time was about. The piece you wrote that made me interested in this book was "A girl that is locked up in a room and the only food she gets is a poison apple." That was a really good brief blurb of the book.

    5. The blog was very interesting, but I agree with Emily it would have been nice if you gave a little more detail. I now want to read dead upon a time. It seems very interesting.

    6. Nice blog Andrea. I too loved the giving tree. That was like the only book I had my mom ever read to me when I was little.

    7. Your blog was very nice. I just wish you would have put just a tad more detail, like what Marcos and Emily said. Other than that your formatting seems good, and I'm interested in reading some of these books!
