Thursday, December 3, 2015

Nonfiction Blog for the week - Memories of Anne Frank

read: up to Chapter 6 -  page 21

     The nonfiction book that I am currently reading is, "Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a Childhood Friend" by Alison Leslie Gold. What I have read so far is about Anne Frank's good friend, Hannah Goslar. Hannah Goslar lived to tell her story about her experience as a kid during WW||. At one point Hannah wondered if her parents knew something about Anne's family that she couldn't know. Hannah and Anne got separated, and she feared that something terrible would happen to Anne and her family. Hannah reminded herself that they were on their way to Switzerland for safety. Where I left off reading, 400 Jews from the old Jewish Quarter of Amsterdam were arrested.

    A part from the story that I find interesting is, "At bedtime Hannah's parents came into her room and said good night. She wondered if hey knew something about Anne's family they weren't telling her." I find that interesting because maybe they do know something and they don't want to tell Hannah because she might get scared. I think that something probably happened to Anne's family while going on their way to Switzerland and they do not want to worry Hannah.

     Some of the things that I have learned so far that I will not forget in the future is that no matter how far you are from someone you love that will not stop you from caring for them. I think that this book has life lessons hidden in them. Hannah and Anne have been separated for religious reasons and Hannah worries that something has happened to her best friend. Al she hopes for is that they get to safety fast.


Commented on: Sumar, Emily, Hazelle


  1. Nice job, Andrea! You did a nice job on explaining what was going on in the book and describing what you felt towards the subject. I think you should add in a little more detail, and check for some spelling errors, but other than that, good job.

  2. This blog was simple yet informative, which I like. Good job! I also like how you explained, and summarized. As Sumar said, it could use just a tad bit more detail. Overall it's nicely written, and explained.
